Online Test

1). Which method is used to merge two DataFrames based on a key column??

2). How can you change the index of a DataFrame to a column named 'ID'??

3). Which function is used to read Excel files into a Pandas DataFrame??

4). How do you filter rows in a DataFrame where the 'Salary' column is greater than 50000??

5). What method is used to remove duplicates from a DataFrame??

6). How can you rename columns of a DataFrame??

7). Which method is used to join two DataFrames on their indices??

8). How can you create a pivot table using Pandas??

9). How can you check for missing values in a DataFrame??

10). Which method is used to concatenate two DataFrames along rows??

11). How do you calculate the mean of a column named 'age' in a DataFrame??

12). What method would you use to reset the index of a DataFrame??

13). Which method would you use to sort a DataFrame by a column named 'score'??

14). How can you drop a column named 'unnecessary_column' from a DataFrame??

15). How would you apply a function to each element of a DataFrame column??

16). Which method is used to calculate the cumulative sum of a column named 'values'??

17). How can you fill missing values in a DataFrame with the mean of the column??

18). What function is used to get a quick overview of the DataFrame's statistics??

19). Which method is used to concatenate two DataFrames along columns??

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