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1). What is the concept of cold starts in Lambda and how can it be mitigated??
A) Increasing memory allocation.
B) Using provisioned concurrency.
C) Reducing function execution time.
D) All of the above.
2). Explain the use cases for AWS Lambda Layers and best practices for managing them.?
A) Packaging dependencies, version control, and layer size optimization.
B) Storing function code, managing environment variables, and layer triggers.
C) Creating custom runtimes, layer permissions, and layer usage metrics.
D) None of the above.
3). How do you handle errors and retries in Lambda functions for robust applications??
A) Using try-except blocks and retry logic.
B) Leveraging AWS Lambda retry configuration.
C) Implementing dead-letter queues (DLQs).
D) All of the above.
4). What are the key considerations for optimizing Lambda function performance and cost??
A) Memory allocation, batching, and concurrency.
B) Cold starts, function timeout, and error handling.
C) Code optimization, layer size, and monitoring.
D) All of the above.
5). How do you secure AWS Lambda functions and data??
A) Using IAM roles, VPC configuration, and encryption.
B) Implementing security groups and network ACLs.
C) Using AWS WAF for web application firewall protection.
D) All of the above.
6). Explain the concept of Lambda power tuning and its impact on performance and cost.?
A) Adjusting memory allocation for optimal performance and cost-efficiency.
B) Tuning CPU and network resources for specific workloads.
C) Optimizing function code for faster execution.
D) None of the above.
7). How do you implement asynchronous processing patterns using Lambda and SQS??
A) Using Lambda as a consumer of SQS messages.
B) Leveraging SQS triggers for Lambda functions.
C) Implementing a fan-out pattern with multiple Lambda functions.
D) All of the above.
8). What are the best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting Lambda functions??
A) Using CloudWatch metrics and logs.
B) Implementing custom metrics and alarms.
C) Leveraging X-Ray for tracing and debugging.
D) All of the above.
9). How do you handle large datasets and processing in Lambda functions??
A) Using Lambda with S3 for storage and processing.
B) Leveraging AWS Step Functions for orchestration.
C) Using Lambda with DynamoDB for data access.
D) All of the above.
10). Explain the concept of Lambda concurrency limits and how to manage them.?
A) Understanding concurrency limits, using provisioned concurrency, and implementing backoff strategies.
B) Increasing memory allocation, reducing function execution time, and using multiple Lambda functions.
C) Leveraging AWS Step Functions for orchestration.
D) None of the above.
11). How can you optimize Lambda function cold start performance??
A) Using provisioned concurrency.
B) Minimizing function initialization time.
C) Leveraging Lambda layers effectively.
D) All of the above.
12). What are the security best practices for AWS Lambda functions??
A) Using IAM roles with least privilege principles.
B) Encrypting environment variables and function code.
C) Implementing network security with VPC configuration.
D) All of the above.
13). How can you implement serverless architectures using Lambda and other AWS services??
A) Using Lambda with API Gateway, DynamoDB, and S3.
B) Leveraging AWS Step Functions for orchestration.
C) Implementing event-driven architectures with Lambda as the core component.
D) All of the above.
14). What are the challenges of using Lambda for long-running tasks and how to address them??
A) Function timeouts, state management, and cost optimization.
B) Using Lambda with Step Functions for orchestration.
C) Breaking down tasks into smaller functions.
D) All of the above.
15). How can you monitor and troubleshoot Lambda function performance issues??
A) Using CloudWatch metrics and logs.
B) Leveraging X-Ray for distributed tracing.
C) Analyzing error rates and retry attempts.
D) All of the above.
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