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1). What is the difference between Standard and FIFO queues in SQS??
A) Standard queues offer higher throughput, while FIFO queues guarantee strict ordering.
B) Standard queues are cheaper, while FIFO queues are more expensive.
C) Standard queues support message deduplication, while FIFO queues do not.
D) Standard queues are for asynchronous processing, while FIFO queues are for synchronous processing.
2). How can you implement a retry mechanism for failed message processing in SQS??
A) By using the `ReceiveMessage` API with the `MaxNumberOfMessages` parameter.
B) By using the `SendMessage` API with the `MessageGroupId` parameter.
C) By using the `ChangeMessageVisibility` API to extend the visibility timeout.
D) By using the `DeleteMessage` API with the `ReceiptHandle` parameter.
3). Explain the concept of SQS message groups and when to use them.?
A) For grouping related messages together for batch processing.
B) For ensuring strict ordering of messages within a group.
C) For increasing the throughput of a queue.
D) Both a and b.
4). How can you optimize SQS performance for high-throughput applications??
A) Increasing the number of concurrent consumers.
B) Using batching for sending and receiving messages.
C) Adjusting the visibility timeout appropriately.
D) All of the above.
5). What are the key factors to consider when choosing between SQS and SNS for a messaging use case??
A) Message delivery guarantees, message ordering, and scalability.
B) Message size, throughput, and cost.
C) Message retention period, dead-letter queues, and message attributes.
D) All of the above.
6). How can you implement a distributed consumer pattern using SQS??
A) By using multiple consumer instances and sharing the same queue.
B) By creating multiple queues and assigning consumers to specific queues.
C) By using SQS message groups to distribute messages evenly.
D) All of the above.
7). Explain the concept of SQS message deduplication and its limitations.?
A) Guarantees exactly-once processing for all messages.
B) Prevents duplicate messages from being processed within a specific time window.
C) Requires additional configuration for message deduplication to work correctly.
D) Both b and c.
8). How can you implement a retry mechanism with exponential backoff for failed messages in SQS??
A) By using the `ChangeMessageVisibility` API with increasing visibility timeouts.
B) By using the `SendMessage` API with a delay parameter.
C) By using a custom retry logic in the consumer application.
D) By using SQS dead-letter queues.
9). What are the potential performance implications of using SQS for high-throughput, low-latency applications??
A) Increased latency due to network hops.
B) Reduced throughput due to message serialization and deserialization.
C) Increased costs due to higher message volume.
D) All of the above.
10). How can you monitor the performance and health of SQS queues??
A) By using Amazon CloudWatch metrics.
B) By using SQS metrics and alarms.
C) By using third-party monitoring tools.
D) All of the above.
11). What are the key factors to consider when choosing between SQS and Amazon Kinesis for a messaging use case??
A) Message size, throughput, and data processing requirements.
B) Message ordering, durability, and scalability.
C) Cost, latency, and fault tolerance.
D) All of the above.
12). How can you optimize SQS costs for a high-volume, low-latency application??
A) By using Standard queues instead of FIFO queues.
B) By reducing the message retention period.
C) By implementing batching for sending and receiving messages.
D) All of the above.
13). Explain the concept of SQS message attributes and how they can be used for filtering messages.?
A) Custom metadata associated with a message.
B) Used for message deduplication and ordering.
C) Can be used with the `ReceiveMessage` API to filter messages based on attributes.
D) Both a and c.
14). How can you implement a dead-letter queue (DLQ) pattern for SQS to handle failed messages??
A) By configuring a DLQ for the main queue.
B) By using the `ChangeMessageVisibility` API to send failed messages to the DLQ.
C) By manually moving failed messages to the DLQ.
D) Both a and b.
15). What are the potential challenges and limitations of using SQS for high-throughput, low-latency applications??
A) Message ordering guarantees, message visibility timeout, and network latency.
B) Cost, scalability, and security.
C) Message deduplication, dead-letter queues, and monitoring.
D) All of the above.
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