What is the use of python?
Before learning Python, first, we should know what is the use of it. There are so many uses in the IT field.
We can develop websites, web scraping, desktop applications, software, Automation tools, shell scripts, hacking, image manipulations, videos, audios, Face detection applications, image downloader tools, mails, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analysis, Data Manipulation, Data Visualization, text to speech converters, get text from images, get text from pdf, OpenCV, vehicle detection applications, sentiment analysis, and also we can build so many applications.
Websites Development in Python:
In python, website development is very easy. Python has so many web frameworks. The most popular frameworks are Django, Flask.
Django: If you want to develop websites using the Django framework, you should have a piece of strong knowledge in python classes, functions, regular expressions and database related queries.
Classes: classes are used in Django for developing object-relational mapping (ORM).
Functions: Functions are used for service requests and responses.
Regular Expressions: Regular expressions are very important in python. You should learn it. This will comes in all python projects. Don’t skip the regular expressions. In Django, regular expressions are used for URL mapping.
Database: if you want to make your website dynamic you should know the database queries and database related stuff.
Websites Scraping in python:
Website scraping means to scrap web information and store it in files or databases. Nowadays Web scraping is so popular. Most companies need data to develop their websites Dynamic. Manual entering data take more time. So companies looking for automatic data scraping tools. These tools we can develop easily by using python web scraping. Python has so many web scraping modules and frameworks. The most popular modules are requests, urllib2, urllib3, Beautifulsoup, lxml, and selenium. Scrapy is a framework in python, it is also used for web scraping.
What you should learn for doing scraping by using python?
Regular expressions, python functions, python data types, Databases, and file handlings. Without learning regular expressions don’t touch this topic.
Games Development in python:
Developing games in python is very simple. If you want to develop games python is the best platform for beginners. Python has so many modules for developing games the most popular modules are
- pygame
- pyglet
- pyganim
- Arcade
- PyOpenGL
- GLEWpy
- Slut
- Mirra
- QG
- Panda3D etc.
What you should learn for developing games using python?
Predefined modules, functions, Python data types and classes.
Desktop Applications in python:
Python is the best platform for developing desktop applications. Python has some modules for developing desktop applications. Those are
- Tkinter
- wxWidgets
- Qt
- Gtk+
- Kivy
- OpenGL
What you should learn for developing games using python?
Classes are most important in developing desktop applications and also you should learn functions and data types.
Machine Learning:
Python is the most popular programming language for Machine Learning. Python has so many algorithms for machine learning. Most popular modules in python,
- SciPy
- TensorFlow
- Keras
- Gensim,
- Mlpy
- SciKit-Learn
What you should learn for Machine Learning in Python?
Algorithms, predefined modules, functions, classes, regular expressions and Data types.
Data Analysis:
Data analysis is a process of cleaning, inspecting, modeling data and transforming with the goal of discovering useful information and supporting decision-making. For doing analysis python is a best programming language. Because python has the best data analysis modules and fast performance. We can get predefined modules and good documentation.
Python Data analysis modules are
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Statsmodels
- Theano
What you should learn for Machine Learning in Python?
Predefined modules, functions classes, regular expressions and data types
Data Visualization:
The representation of Data in the form of a chart, diagram, picture, etc. is called Data Visualization. Python gives the best modules for data visualization. The most popular modules are
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Ggplot
- Bokeh
- Pygal
- Plotly
- Geoplotlib
- Gleam
- Missingno
- Leather
What you should learn for Machine Learning in Python?
Functions, classes, and data types
Image Processing:
The analysis and manipulation of a digitized image, particularly keeping in mind the end goal to enhance its quality.
Image handling is a technique to play out a few tasks on an Image, so as to get an upgraded Image or to extract some useful information from it. It is a sort of flag preparing in which input is a picture and yield might be pictures or attributes/features related to that picture.
Image processing is very easy in python. Because python has lot of predefined modules. We just use it and get the required output. Python image processing modules are
- PIL python image library
- Pillow
- Scikit-image
- Scipy
- openCV
- pycario
- mahotas
- SimpleCV
- Ilastik
- Process
- h5py
- MedPy
- NiBabel
- PyDicom
What you should learn for Image processing in python?
Predefined modules, Classes, Functions, algorithms and data types.
Application Program Interfaces, or APIs, are normally used to retrieve data from remote websites.
A set of functions and procedures that enable the creation of applications that access the features or information of software, application, or alternative service.
Python modules for creating API
- Django
- Flask
What you should learn for API in python?
Classes, functions, and data types
In python, we can create some automation tools.
What you should learn for creating Automation tools using python?
Classes, functions, algorithms, regular expressions, multithreading, multiprocessing, files and data types.
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is an open-source computer vision, machine learning software library and mainly aimed at real-time computer vision.
This is the most popular library in computer vision. We will get a bright future by learning this technology. We can create so many visible based applications.
- OpenCV
What you should learn for using OpenCV?
Predefined modules, algorithms, functions, classes, image processing, and data types.
We can do everything related to audio and video functions in python. Extracting information from audio, creating images from a video, separating audio from video, cropping audio and video files, merging audio and video files, etc.
Audio Libraries:
- Nsound
- PyAudiere
- Pydub
- pyAudio
- Snack
- audiolazy
- sounddevice
- simpleaudio
- musicplayer
- audioop
- aifc
- sunau
- wave
- chunk
- winsound
- pyo
- pysonic
Video Libraries
- MoviePy
- PyFFMpeg
- PyMedia
What you should learn for using OpenCV?
Predefined modules, functions, classes and audio/video files
Network Application:
Python provides two levels of access to network services. At a low level, you'll access the essential socket support within the underlying software system that permits you to implement clients and servers for each connection-oriented and connectionless protocol.
Python libraries for creating Network applications
- Tftpy
- Telnetlib
- Paramiko
- Requests
- Socket
- Asyncio
- Diesel
- Pulsar
- Twisted
- Napalm
- Pyro
What you should learn for using OpenCV?
Predefined modules, protocols, functions, classes, and data types
Python is the best programming language for Hacking. Hacking typically refers to unauthorized intrusion into a pc or a network. The person engaged in hacking activities is understood as a hacker. This hacker could alter system or safety features to accomplish a goal that differs from the original purpose of the system.
Python provides modules for hacking,
- Sockets
- Requests
- Twisted
- Mechanize
- python-nmap
- hacking
Code (software or applications or websites) testing is a process, to judge the functionality of code or application with an intent to find whether the developed code met the specified requirements or not and to identify the defects to ensure that the code is defect-free in order to produce the quality code.
Python provides some modules to test the code (software or applications or websites)
- PyChecker
- Pylint
- Pyflakes
- pep8
- unittest
- doctest
- pytest
- nose
- testify
- Trial
- Testtools
- Pythoscope
- pytest